Bar Event Category: Guest Participation, Tournaments and Contests

Murder Mystery Party

Get ready to unlock your inner detective and host an unforgettable Murder Mystery Party at your bar or pub! With an intriguing storyline, attention to detail, and active guest participation, your venue will transform into a thrilling crime scene where guests become amateur sleuths.

  • Ideal Venue(s)

    Arcade/Game Bar

  • Target Age Group

    All Age Groups

  • Event Goals

    Increase Awareness / Visitors, Community Engagement

Murder Mystery Party
  • Budget:

    $, $$

  • + Staff Required:

    Event Coordinator, Decorator/Stylist

  • Holiday / Occasion:

    Not Relevant

Step into the realm of mystery by hosting an exhilarating Murder Mystery Party at your bar or pub! Murder Mystery Parties are interactive events where guests become characters in a thrilling whodunit story, working together to solve a mysterious crime. If you’re eager to create an unforgettable night of suspense and excitement, we’ve got you covered. Let’s unravel the steps to hosting an immersive Murder Mystery Party that will leave your patrons on the edge of their seats.

How to Host a Murder Mystery Party

Set the Scene for Intrigue

Transform your venue into a captivating backdrop that immerses guests in the mystery. Use dim lighting, vintage décor, and crime-themed props to create an ambiance reminiscent of a classic detective novel. Grab attention with engaging headlines that promise an evening of secrets, twists, and nail-biting suspense.

Select a Riveting Murder Mystery Plot

Choose a compelling murder mystery storyline that will keep guests guessing until the very end. Research and select from a variety of pre-packaged murder mystery kits or create a custom storyline tailored to your venue. Ensure that the plot is engaging, offers enough clues, and allows guests to fully immerse themselves in their roles.

Encourage Guest Participation

Invite guests to become characters in the murder mystery and encourage them to dress up and embrace their assigned roles. Provide character descriptions, costumes, and props to help them fully embody their characters. This level of engagement adds excitement, sparks conversations, and enhances the overall experience.

Murder Mystery Party Best Practices:

Intriguing headlines

Use intriguing headlines to attract attention and generate interest in your event. Whether you promise an evening of secrets, twists, or nail-biting suspense, make sure that your guests are eager to discover what's in store.


Whether you choose to feature old-fashioned typewriters, fedoras, or trench coats, the goal is to create a sense of mystery and excitement that will keep your guests engaged and entertained throughout the evening. Vintage items can be especially effective in creating a sense of nostalgia and intrigue, while crime-themed props can help to evoke the atmosphere of a classic detective novel.


If you want to create a truly captivating ambiance for your venue, you should consider several key elements. One of the most important is lighting. By using dim lighting, you can create an atmosphere that is mysterious and alluring, drawing guests in and encouraging them to explore the space around them.

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