Bar Event Category: Gastronomic

Hot Ones Challenge Night

A "Hot Ones Challenge Night" will fill your bar with hot sauce lovers and create an evening people will talk about for the rest of their lives.

  • Ideal Venue(s)

    Any Venue

  • Target Age Group

    Gen Z, Millennials

  • Event Goals

    Increase Awareness / Visitors

Hot Ones Challenge Night
  • Budget:


  • + Staff Required:


  • Holiday / Occasion:

    Not Relevant

A Hot Ones Challenge Night Brings YouTube’s Hottest Interview Show to Your Bar

If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out. Hot Ones is one of the most popular interview shows on YouTube. A “Hot Ones Challenge Night” combines the fun of sharing a gastronomic experience with the challenge of overcoming spice and the excitement of experiencing the same sauces that you’ve watched dozens of stars take on.

How to Host A “Hot Ones Challenge Night” At Your Bar or Pub

Choose Your Hot Sauces

Option 1: Buy the Official “Hot Ones” Sauces

If you watch the show before then you know all the sauces. Course you need to give people the actual opportunity to try “The Classic”, “Da Bomb” and all the other sauces you see on the show. So here’s the website where you can buy all of the sauces being used on Hot Ones Season 21!

Option 2: Partner With Local Hot Sauce Producers

But then again, how about partnering with a local hot sauce producer in your area – or a bunch of them! You could invite them to be there on location selling their wares. Give them each a table to sell their sauces in exchange for a few samples to use in your

Option 3: Make Your Own “Hot Ones Challenge Night” Hot Sauces

Does your bar specialize in making some terrific wing and hot sauces? Use your “Hot Ones Challenge” to highlight some of your own wing flavors & hot sauces – and have them coming back for more.

Plan Your “Guests”

You’re Probably not going to have a famous celebrity on your show but how about inviting a local food blogger or influencer to come along and do a write up or do a live feed of their “Hot Ones Challenge Night” experience? You could even put them on a bit of A elevated stage with a black background and ask them a few questions to really make it feel like the official show.

Serve Hot Wings in Batches – Not All At Once

They serve 10 wings at a time on the show but on the actual “Hot Ones” show, they don’t really care all that much about whether the guests enjoy the wings, do they? At your “Hot Wings Challenge” make sure your customers are eating fresh, hot wings by serving them in batches of three to five rather than giving them all 10 at once.

Show a “Hot Ones” Episode Before, During and/or After

Some of the funny funniest episodes have been the episode with Gordon Ramsay or the Scarlett Johannson episode. Or better yet, go with one of the highlight shows.

Get started by watching some of these episodes to have people laughing and enjoying themselves before the event even gets underway.

Hot Ones Challenge Night Best Practices:

Remember the Vegetarians

Many of the entertainers on the show are vegetarian so they have vegetarian options like veggie wings or fried cauliflower instead of the wing options. Allow people to invite their vegetarian friends by offering a vegetarian and/or vegan alternative.

Limit Attendance

Set an attendance limit right off the bat. Everyone to eat these wings at the same time and unlike the show you want them to be delicious. Serving fresh hot delicious wings with a variety of sauces all at once is a big challenge. Limiting the number of people increases scarcity and makes it easier to sell out next time.

Keep It Dark & Black:

One of the things that makes "Hot Ones" unique is its black background simple set design. Achieve a similar vibe by creating an all-black space that's reminiscent of being in space.

Sell a "Hot Ones Challenge Night" To-go Kit

End the event with packages of hot sauces for people to purchase and take home - especially if you're proud of the sauces on offer, whether made locally or in-house.

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